I am literally reviving this blog after almost 10 years. That's amazing.
Yeah, it feels like forever. XD
Not sure why I did it, I was just checking another website on uptrends.com to see if it's really down when the blog showed up somehow and I found that I can still log in. Yipee! Hurray for a consolidated Google account! (´・ω・`)
So what have I been up to? Well, I've moved on to a new company, met new friends among them my husband - so yes, I got married, had a kid, moved house several times but still in a financial rut, so really nothing new. >_< Most of the time it's "same shit, different day".
Now going back to the blog, turns out an evil URL I posted a decade ago corrupted the main blog page and I removed it already, so it's fixed! In addition, I also upgraded the theme and re-registered for AdSense, but I have no idea how much help that's gonna be. LOL. Sadly, that action also removed my sidebar widgets, and my blogger friends' blog links along with it. I'll have to figure out how to retrieve those later... if I can.
Well, that's it for now. Time will tell if I'll go back and write a new entry after this. Until then, Neko-chan must go back to adulting. =)