
I'm all messed up again.

Tell me... Does anyone know the feeling of being torn apart? Literally? I think I just felt it.

I was checking my friends' profiles in Friendster when I saw one that really caught my attention. So I opened it. Wow, many photos.. lemme check 'em. ~_~ As I browsed through them and saw the date stamps on the pictures, I tried to trace back to what happened on those dates. I tried to analyze the facial expressions on my friend's face. Then my heart ached when I saw that person's face change from melodramatic (late December) to really happy (mid January). I knew right then and there, what I felt was wrong... It should be wrong. I'm not supposed to re-enter in that person's life becuase I know where that person's happy now, and I'm happy for that.

I know it's wrong to feel this way about that person. Because I'm happy with someone now. This is all so wrong...

Now I remember, and understand what this quote from "Tips on Moving On" meant: Pick up the pieces but never put them back."

It's easier said than done.



Rain Mistress said...

spammer~ O_o

Aerynne Silverbreeze said...

you do your own thing in your own time.. he does his. Be happy now. ^_^;