
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Currently Playing: Nana Mizuki - Blue Moon (Utau Hoshina Character CD)

You're probably wondering where I went off to for the past couple days due to the lack of posts. Yeah, I've been busy with something else. =.= I spend more of my time reading (!!!) instead of watching now. But I'll try to recap what I've been up to recently.

- finished the Emma manga, and is now looking for Victorian Romance Emma, Second Act
- finished Sherlock Holmes collection, Volume 1, now halfway through "Hound of the Baskervilles"
- finished watching Goong S
- still waiting on Shugo Chara (newest episode out on raw: Episode 43. Dia was sooo kawaii!)
- reading Gakuen Alice manga (now on Volume 6 out of 16? CRAP!)
- still waiting for Saiunkoku Monogatari II episode 33 onwards

I know, it's a busy schedule. XD

Anyway, we're about to have a schedule change again, and I am still in the night shift. Errr, sorry hun T_T anyway I really don't know where to put myself in the many things I want to do. They just keep piling up. And yet I can't stop getting new stuff to pour attention on. Bah. Now I want to watch that Ghost Hunt series because it reminds me so much of Ghosts at School (Gakkō no Kaidan) which is one of my favorites.

Gaaaah! I can barely keep up! (´ロ`)

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