
Good Food = Good Mood. Happy Mother's Day! ^.^

"Laughter definitely is the best medicine... accompanied by a scrumptious snack." =^.^=

I was seated on my beanbag in the den watching Midori no Hibi's first episode on Animax when my mom blurted out, "Hey, this snack isn't expired yet!". ^_^; Well, that's how things go in the household... We buy stuff early on before they get any more expensive, then stock 'em up and eat them when we need to. These days, it's hard to get by with a limited budget. See, my dad's retired and most of his retirement pay went to loan payments, like the house loan thingie, and he used a lot of money paying up his credit card debts (oops, not sure if I should've said that just now... XD) and all that other crappy stuff. Back to the issue of a good snack, when I was cleaning up the cupboards to move our store's buffer stock in the cabinets, I found an 85 gram pack of Piattos Roadhouse Barbecue flavor. I don't exactly remember when the stuff was bought... I was guessing a year ago (guess I was wrong though XD) so I put it on the dining table's center platter so I'd remember to check whether it's still edible or poisonous. *laughs* 2 days after I found it, mom put it on display in the store! I was shocked! C'mon, I don't wanna get sued for food poisoning... ^x^;;; So I took it out a while ago and told my mom we shouldn't sell it coz we don't know its expiry date. (I want to sell only those we bought recently for the store) Then, enter mom's dialogue at the beginning of my lil' story. ^_^

So mom called me to the table, abruptly disturbing my giggling fiasco in front of the TV coz Seiji just saw Midori's naked body... (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! XD) and she shoved a piece of Piattos in my mouth without me noticing so she almost made me choke my guts out and made me real mad. Except for the fact that the snack she actually fed me was really yummy... I forgave her in 2 seconds. XD So anyway, she mixed up a dip made up of white stuff and red stuff, which I guessed was ketchup... And I expected the white stuff to be mayonnaise, but she surprised me by saying it was Nestlé All Purpose Cream. (aww, c'mon!! Am I advertising here!? O_o?) I'm not kidding, I'm not pulling your leg. It was DELICIOUS. If only I had allowance this summer, I'd buy more packs of Piattos and I'd stuff myself with my new discovery till I swear not to eat another bite (for the night, that is XD)... ahh, bliss. ~_~

So, enough about food already... tomorrow is Mother's Day... gosh it rained quite a bit outside and in the house as well... My mom and grandma were arguing since morning, and grandma's stint this afternoon was the last straw. Grandma is... well, gallant... too gallant that it's kinda irritating. One of my parents' godchildren came over this afternoon, I was upstairs then and mom said she was sleeping on the couch. Grandma was outside reading one of mom's StarStudio magazines which she rents for a fee. Well grandma, knowing she's so darn gallant, gave the kid two (pretty expensive) chocolate drinks, without mom's permission. Mom eventually found out and she went ballistic, especially when grandma said it's on her tab. I don't maintain a list of things she takes from the store. I'm not sure if mom does. Grandma doesn't have any money really... Her husband's pension went to other people. Why? She loaned it to them. 5 years ago. And she still hasn't got a single cent back ever since. And that's what I really hated about her. She can be so gullible sometimes. So I can somehow understand why mom gets so irritated. Another reason is her being such a busybody. She's already weakened a great deal, yet she insists she can still stay outdoors for long periods of time, under the searing heat, tending to her plants. On one occasion, I even yelled at her because she wanted me to unlock the front gate so she could water her plants. She said, "My plant is dying!" and I said, "If you keep this up, you'll die before your plant does!!" Now tell me what I did was wrong. Maybe the yelling part was, but the purpose is there. I did it for her own good. Coz the only way to confront a stubborn person is to be equally, if possible, more stubborn than him/her.

This Mother's Day, since I didn't get the chance to go out and find gift items for the 2 generations before me, I guess I'll have to settle for the mushy stuff. Don't get me wrong, I made it a habit not to spend mushy moments with my family, coz I always end up crying. And I hate that. I prefer spending those times with my close friends and my most loved one. ~_~; Hey, anyone got any gift ideas for me? I really, really don't wanna go for the mushy lovey-dovey stuff... I might die of embarrassment. Waaaaah. T_T

*sigh* I wish my grandma be granted a well-functioning, understanding brain... And I wish my mom would learn to be open-minded to the issue of granting me semi-independence... like having a boyfriend. I want her to recognize him... For what he really is to me... And I to him.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone's mothers, and to all the mothers reading this! Minna, ganbatte kudasai! ^o^

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